If it’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that no one is perfect. Everyone make mistakes and this is especially true when it comes to blogging.
I say this because there are a lot of pro bloggers like myself, that are on the top of their game but it wasn’t always cherries and cheesecake.
They’ve made mistakes, I’ve made mistakes; if you’re established, you’ve made mistakes and if you’re looking to get started, you’ll make mistakes.
It just a part of the game. It’s conveniently called the learning curve. I’ve experienced this in almost every aspect of my life when trying something new. I think my toughest challenge yet is trying to understand women. Still struggling with that, but that’s another story.
Here are 8 awful mistakes I made that you can either reflect on because you’ve done the same or need to learn from to help you get a better grip on the wheel when you’re going into the learning curve of blogging.
1. Tried to do something I wasn’t passionate about
For those that know me, I’m in no way interested in weight loss. I want to stay fit but to write about it is a different subject.
Please tell me why after hearing that weight loss was HOTT, I created a blog around the niche and bought some PLR articles?
You have to figure out what you absoloutly love to talk about that you can never get enough of. Something that you will talk someone’s ear off about. Can you think of anything for yourself?
My site, although it gets traffic, is a major fail in my book but just because I’m not passionate about it doesn’t mean that it has to go to waste; which brings me to my next case and point.
2. Never considered hiring assistants
I grew up the only child so playing with toys and video games by myself reformed in my adult life as me wanting to build blogs and run them all by myself. Notice I said blogs. Talk about that a little later.
After reading an amazing book called The 4 Hour Work Week, listening to a few podcasts from other successful bloggers that used them a lot and having a great conversation with a friend, my mind was reformed. What did he say to me?
He told me that I had the potential to create an empire but my not having help would hinder my success.
I eventually got around to hiring assistants to run my SEO and run some other tedious tasks that I hate doing; now I get the feeling I’m becoming an assistant junkie.
3. Was trying to run too many websites
This is a problem I’ve had since my youth. Trying to do too much at one time. I at one point had 7 blogs I believe. I called myself running these all at the same time because I was creating content for them all.
As you can imagine this got to be way too much for one man. I realized what my passion was and broke away from each blog slowly. It’s like the scenes in the cop movies when they tell the criminal to put down the gun slowly.
I’ve since stopped working on 4, gave 1 to a family member and put my main focus on 2. The 4 I stopped working on will eventually be run by assistants that handle article writing.
4. Didn’t do any keyword research
In running all those sites, I never did proper keyword research. I don’t know if it was because I didn’t know how to or because I thought i knew what I doing.
Either way, I didn’t get the results I expected.
As I said earlier, you don’t have to do all the work. I learned this the hard way after spending days putting together a blog in a niche that had no competition.
I later figured out it had no competition because the PPC costs were barely $0.00. I believe they were like 2 cents a click. For you newbies, that means I get a percentage of 2 cents every time someone clicks on an ad on the site. That was a fail.
My point is, I should have gotten an assistant that was experienced at keyword research to do it for me. Just a word of advise; assistants aren’t expesive as many may think. You can get a good assistant on oDesk for $2 to $4 an hour that knows their stuff.
5. Tried to sell too many different products
Seeing that I had so many blogs, you can imagine the amount of products I was trying to sell online. There are millions of products to sell but that doesn’t mean you have to sell them all. Unfortunately, I didn’t know that.
As time went on, I learned a bit of copywriting and gained the ability to spot a good sales page. This helped out a lot in finding good products to market. That’s part of the learning curve by the way.
Just because it says, Buy Now, doesn’t mean they’re going to do it.
In the beginning, I would focus more on delivering content and building a following. This is how you can open the door to ultimate blogging success.
6. Was too focused on making money
I believe I was so caught up in the hype of making money online, that I almost forced myself to commit blog suicide.
I was so focused on putting ads on my site and making money, that I believe it took away from my content that I was suppose to be providing to my readers.
After listening to one of the best known bloggers in the business, I decided to remove ads from my website.
This forces me to come up with other strategic methods of making money online and it’s working.
I’ll eventually put ads on my site but just like a boyfriend and girlfriend’s first kiss, I’ll do it when I feel the time is right.
7. Didn’t write my posts with the reader in mind
All that focusing on making money really took away from my writing good content. I would go from writing a blog post to checking my affiliate accounts to see if I made a sale.
Granted, there’s nothing like waking up and seeing you’ve made money while you slept, in the beginning you have to build up yourself and/or your brand.
Once people know and trust you, they’ll buy from you. Would you buy a gold necklace from a guy on the street because he says it’s gold? Probably not. Put yourself in your readers shoes.
Once you can close your eyes and imagine yourself as the receiver of the content you’re producing, you will think totally different. I do this before each email broadcast and blog post.
8. Wasn’t interested in networking at all
As I said earlier, I grew up the only child which almost entitles me to be selfish and want to do everything by myself.
Sucks but that’s just the way it is. Trying to become a professional blogger can be hard sometimes and it takes time but if you network with other bloggers, then you increase your chances of taking it to that next level faster.
This is my first post ever on another blog outside of mines and I must say, I put my all into it because I want the reader to feel what I went through. This is my first step in networking hoping to build lasting relationships across the world through blogging.
The purpose of networking is getting to know people and to have your name and/or brand on the tip of every tongue possible. The more people are talking about you the better; unless their talking bad but you get the point.
It may take stepping out of your comfort zone but 99% of all successful people have had to step out of their comfort zone at one time or another. Do you agree?
In conclusion…
These are 8 mistakes that I made from the beginning up until a few months ago. I guess you can say it’s been a wild ride for me. From creating blogs that make a half a penny a day to creating a blog that has no significant ads, yet I make money every single day on the internet.
It’s been a long ride but the learning curve was needed and now I’m headed for a straightaway.
I want to leave you with a quote from a comedian by the name of Melvin Helitzer. He stated “if you can sell your material or get paid for performing it, you’re a professional.”
It’s not hard when you look at it like that is it?
I want to thank you for reading and I want to genuinely thank ComLuv for giving me this opportunity to do what I love.
I appreciate any comments and feedback.
Twitter: CPASiteSolution
Thanks for sharing this with us. I think many of us make the same mistakes, but are just afraid to admit it. I know I’ve made some of these mistakes, but like you said, it’s part of learning and growing, whether that be in a company, or just life in general.
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Yea your right Sue.. Were thrown curve balls all our lives. Eventually in time, we’ll be knocking them out of the park because we should learn from our mistakes.
Thanks very much for reading and your comment..
Have a great day..
Dennis Marshall recently posted..How To Become A Pro Blogger And Not Just A Person That Writes Stuff
Twitter: kezanari
I like reading these types of “mistake” because sometimes people have made mistakes that you haven’t made yet as so you can stay clear without having to go through what they went through.
kezanari recently posted..8 Awesome Ways To Use Linkedin To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
Twitter: iblog4dollars
You’ve got that right.. I’ts always better to learn from the mistakes of others..
Thanks for the comment Kezanari

Dennis Marshall recently posted..What The Heck Is Blogging And How Can It Benefit Me? (I’m asking you this
Twitter: torymcbroom
I wouldn’t call them mistakes, more like learning experiences. And now you’re smarter because of them!
Tory McBroom recently posted..What Band-Aids, Granola Bars And Diapers Have In Common…And How It Can Make You Rich!
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Tory that’s a great way to look at it. We have to make them in order to learn. It’s better to learn from others though..
Thanks for you comment. I really appreciate it.
have a blessed day..
Dennis Marshall recently posted..13 Powerful Free Plugins that Every WordPress Blog Should Have
Twitter: kezanari
I like the way you put that as well. One of my friends told me that you don’t have problems and have made mistakes is said ” you have found opportunities to improve” the word opportunity is more empowering and the word mistake!
kezanari recently posted..8 Awesome Ways To Use Linkedin To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
Twitter: Rancorinfotech
These are some common mistakes which usually people do to earn quick money, they choose the topic due to money factor not because of their interest. Try to concentrate only one project at a time and when you get positive results then you become more confident and then you can work on few more projects.
Aanchal recently posted..Web Design India
Twitter: kezanari
this is so true when I started out all I wanted to do was jump on a niche product well can make fast cash like weight loss for example. I have no passion about weight loss whatsoever so you can tell I failed it LOL.
kezanari recently posted..SEO Is Dead
Twitter: iblog4dollars
You and me both with that weightloss niche.. LOL.. I’m just going to sell the site now..

Dennis Marshall recently posted..What The Heck Is Blogging And How Can It Benefit Me? (I’m asking you this
Twitter: JetSetBags
I’ve made many of the same mistakes that you talked about in your article. For years, I didn’t hire an assistant because I thought it was too expensive. However, I now consider the value of my time and outsource more and more.
Hannah Hamilton recently posted..The Best Bag for Every Type of Traveler
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Time is very valuable.. I know exactly what you mean. If you can pay an assistant a few bucks an hour to knock out some SEO, you can focus on creating the content..
and the best thing about it, these assistants love to work. They beg for more hours…
Thanks for your comment Hannah
Dennis Marshall recently posted..5 Reasons Why You Must Use WordPress For Your Internet Business/Blog
Twitter: kezanari
that was quite an amazing point for me also I I have definitely been thinking about outsourcing of late and I think I’m going to have to take the plunge after reading this article.
kezanari recently posted..6 Over Looked Ways To Improve Your Blog/Website In two Hours
I know a few people that run several sites all at once. I don’t know how they do it or keep them all up to date. I think it would be easier to only have one or two where you could devote more time to them rather than having a bunch. Some people write with search engines in mind only. It is nice to keep the reader in mind and engage with them too.
Ray recently posted..Making Money Online
Twitter: iblog4dollars
I listened to a podcast one time from a guy that has hundreds of blogs. He researches niches, finds a problem, gets a solution and then pays a article writer to create the content. He has a team in place that knows their jobs and they create income producing blogs like that (finger snap)
I’m going to do this soon.. Just need to find a good article writer for a good price…
Thanks for your comment Ray
Dennis Marshall recently posted..12 Exclusive Proven Tips For Creating An eBook, Branding Yourself & Making Money (Part 1)
Twitter: kezanari
There is no way you can keep 10 blogs up-to-date on your own, To do this you definitely need an assistant. I tried to run five websites at one time on my own and all I can say is I failed miserably
kezanari recently posted..8 Awesome Ways To Use Linkedin To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
I agree that a person’s gas to success is Passion.
When we choose our career path, everyone always tell us to follow our hearts or do what we love doing, we should really do that online too.
Now if all writers,ghostwriters and worst everyone who works online is not passionate with what they do? I won’t even think of browsing the internet.
- I’m wiser by 8 lessons in blogging today, Thanks Marshal

Liana recently posted..Ideas to Help the World updated Tue Sep 13 2011 12:27 am EDT
Yeah Sir this are the same mistake i have also done in my blogging carrear. And daily new blogger did same mistake.We have to share this type of tips to new one so they can learn as well as earn.
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Yea we have to stick together. I love blogging because I might not be interested in what you’re interested in. It’s hard to step on someone else’s toes. The plate is big enough for all us to eat.
I think my biggest mistake overall was the trying to run all those blogs without putting enough focus into others to make them income producing.
I would build a blog, put up a few ads and then come up with another idea. Especially when you can get domain names for $1. LOL.. I was a domain buying fiend…
Thanks for your comment Deepak
Dennis Marshall recently posted..My Top 5 Places To Blog & Work With My Laptop (This Is The Life)
Twitter: BBTblog
Thanks for your advice. I will try to avoid these mistakes. For the last one month and a half, I have been blogging regularly and concentrating on one blog and my traffic is finally starting to increase.
Faizan Elahi recently posted..How to Add a Variety of Shortcodes to WordPress
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Yea focus on that one blog. Get active on forums like Warriorforum.com and the many others (WF is the best overall I believe) and definitely write some guest blog posts. I knew I could write but never did I think my first blog post would be featured at the very top.. I was shocked beyond measure when I came on ComLuv…
Thanks for the comment Faizan.. Best wishes with your blog…
Dennis Marshall recently posted..6 Super Secret Tips That Command Readers To Open Your Blog Posts (+ free gift)
Twitter: laurofaria
I am not a professional web, but I have accumulated some money in the last 3 years and done some business. I maintain three blogs today and I’m thinking of a host reseller account. It … I end up becoming a professional.
Lauro Faria recently posted..Revista Espírito Livre – Edição 31
Twitter: iblog4dollars
sounds like you have a system in place. It is very possible to run more than one blog/site but you must have a great system in place for producing content, getting traffic and so on.
I heard that selling hosting is tough because the big boys (hostgator and godaddy) have flooded the biz with their Unlimited (allegedly it’s really not unlimited) hosting. Apparently resellers cant keep up.
I say go for it though. You never know. The only way you can truly fail is if you never try.
I want to sell hosting but I want to build free blogs with it. Give people already built blogs as long as they sign up for hosting with me.. Sounds like a plan..
Thanks for your comment Lauro. Best wishes in your ventures
Dennis Marshall recently posted..13 Powerful Free Plugins that Every WordPress Blog Should Have
Twitter: lifenleisure
Guilty as charged! Especially the part about not hiring assistants and juggling with way too much products. Thanks so much for posting this, Dennis. I never knew I was already committing these mistakes. Going to definitely keep in mind your suggestions.
Adeline recently posted..Food and Wine Pairing: a Feast for the Senses
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Yea everything doesn’t sell. LOL.. If you use clickbanks, I suggest checking out cbengine to find the best selling products in your niche. Also, when you search for products to sell, look for ones with the best Gravity rating. This means they convert well.
Now if the offer doesn’t have a video sales letter, 9 times out of 10, I won’t even promote it. People don’t really like to read that much and it sucks but if we want to sell stuff, we must adapt.
and get you some assistants. LOL.. Article posting and seo… Great tasks to outsource. You can pay an article write 20 bucks to create 5 to 10 unique articles about your niche and then have them or another assistant submit them all to article directories (ezine is the best). The more articles you have, the more traffic and the more seo juice you get. trust me. I’ve built a nice sized real estate investing list from doing this.
Best wishes Adeline and thanks for the comment
Dennis Marshall recently posted..5 Exclusive Reasons Every Stay At Home Mom Should Start A Blog Pt. 1
Twitter: Jajodia_Saket
I also did and I think doing now also 3rd and 4th point.. But thanks for the info will try to work on it.. And it will help new people who going to try these..
Saket Jajodia recently posted..Save Web Articles For Offline Reading With JoliPrint
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Yea you’ve officially made a big step forward when you can realize your mistakes.
Thanks for he comment Saket
Dennis Marshall recently posted..6 Super Secret Tips That Command Readers To Open Your Blog Posts (+ free gift)
Twitter: kentkchow
Very good points. I really like your 2nd one – Never considered hiring assistants.
In the beginning, my budget was tight and I was trying to all things as one-man shop. Now, I have some profits and love to outsource more.
Regarding to point 8, I guess I was doing too much in the beginning “8. Wasn’t interested in networking at all”. End up I spent most of time blog commenting and socializing instead of writing on mine.
If you don’t mind, I’d like to add point 9, don’t update the blog or write new blog post. I am in this phrase.
I hope I could dedicate and add in new post every week.
Right On!
Kent recently posted..7 Steps to Be Free from Information Overloaded
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Truth is, if you you have a new blog, you should be updated multiple times per week. I heard other pro bloggers say they take some hours out one day and create about 20 blog posts for the month and put them on time release.
THey say it’s good to have a new blog post everyday because search engines show you some love when you produce content.
I try myself to do at least 3 per week.. sometimes it’s tough but it’s all about content in the blogging business…
great point you made though Kent..
Thanks for your comment. Best wishes
Dennis Marshall recently posted..6 Super Secret Tips That Command Readers To Open Your Blog Posts (+ free gift)
Twitter: brooks_johnny
I have just started my blogging career and have certainly made many mistakes, it’s all about learning and improving.
Twitter: iblog4dollars
You have that right. If you dont make mistakes, it’s safe to say your doing something wrong.. LOL..
We just have to learn from them and learn from others. I follow the steps of other pro bloggers while making my own path for others to follow.
Thanks for your comment Johnny
Dennis Marshall recently posted..6 Super Secret Tips That Command Readers To Open Your Blog Posts (+ free gift)
My mistake was doing to much websites at the same time, no matter my effort I didn´t get anywhere at all…
Twitter: iblog4dollars
They call that spreading yourself thin. If you have a hundred pennies and put them in a hundred buckets, you have 100 buckets to worry about. If you put 100 pennies in one bucket, you’ll only have to worry about one.
End result.. You have $1 either way but it’s a lot easier carrying one bucket to the coin machine than 100…
Thanks for the comment Jose.. Best wishes my man
Dennis Marshall recently posted..6 Super Secret Tips That Command Readers To Open Your Blog Posts (+ free gift)
Twitter: kezanari
Ha ha That was the same thing I try to do Jose until I burnt out and I couldn’t do any more. Now I just focus on free websites and that’s it. Any more than that for me is suicide LOL
kezanari recently posted..SEO Is Dead
Twitter: davidcornick
You are so right about being passionate about what you write about.I believe to gain credibility and trust with your readers you have to have an interest in the things you write.A good blogger will provide interesting content that the reader/subscriber not only will want to read but will make them come back again and again to the blog.If you can build a loyal following then making money will naturally follow
David Cornick recently posted..Iconic Destinations and Its Attractions of Holiday in India
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Boy you could be a carpenter because you hit the nail right on the head with that. I think the hottest niche for google adsense is Mesothelioma. It’s like 80 bucks a click…
I dont know a single thing about this niche so i probably wouldn’t make a dime if i created a blog around it….
My thing is, if’it’s your brand, you do it yourself. You produce the content. I would never pay writers to write for my brand site. It wouldn’t be me. I would pay them to produce content for ezine and then drive traffic back to my blog.
Gotta be passionate about your brand.
Thanks for the great point David. Very much appreciated
Dennis Marshall recently posted..5 Reasons Why You Must Use WordPress For Your Internet Business/Blog
Twitter: Healthyone_org
Yes, I did the same mistake of running too many blogs. Now I concentrated on mainly two blogs.
Good post. Thanx
Jupitor Chakma recently posted..Basics About Vitamins
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Sure thing Jupitor. Gotta stay focused on the most important. Thanks for your comment and best wishes
Dennis Marshall recently posted..12 Exclusive Proven Tips For Creating An eBook, Branding Yourself & Making Money (Part 1)
Twitter: kezanari
That is such sound advice I wish I knew about that one year ago.
kezanari recently posted..Website Testing Checklist
Twitter: websitepromocod
Good read Dennis!
I guess we can charge them to experience so we won’t do the same mistakes again. And I think making mistake is one way of learning, you’ll get smarter each time. Just don’t do it as a hobby, lol!
Sanjay recently posted..How to Create a Minimal Progress Bar UI Photoshop
Twitter: iblog4dollars
LOL.. I think the only people that make a living off making mistakes are politicians. Gotta make mistakes or you just might be making a mistake. LOL….
Thanks for the comment Sanjay.. Very much appreciated..
Dennis Marshall recently posted..13 Powerful Free Plugins that Every WordPress Blog Should Have
Twitter: techmunchies
I also did some mistakes that nearly made me frustrated and i was going to leave blogging,but then i learnt from my mistakes and now i am more careful.
Twitter: iblog4dollars
That’s why I dont worry about competition. There are so many people that get frustrated and give up. Blogs that haven’t been updated in years. They’re going about it all wrong.
We have to learn from our mistakes and keep it moving.
Thanks for your comment Abhishek
Dennis Marshall recently posted..6 Super Secret Tips That Command Readers To Open Your Blog Posts (+ free gift)
Twitter: ayushwhizkid
When i started blogging some 5 months ago, i made almost all of these mistakes, save the first one. Thanks for the post. This will make new bloggers better!
Ayush Agrawal recently posted..Best apps for Iphone 4S
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Yea we all make mistakes. We just have to learn from ours and others so that we can progress.
Thanks for your comment Ayush.
Dennis Marshall recently posted..6 Super Secret Tips That Command Readers To Open Your Blog Posts (+ free gift)
Twitter: allandroidplus
I made the mistake of blogging about something that i was not passionate about and suffered the consequences! I wrote only 18 post on that blog in a year!
ravi recently posted..Nokia 100 Phone Price in India; Review , features and Specs
Twitter: iblog4dollars
LOL.. I had hundreds of PLR articles and I didn’t even have the passion to update my blog with them. I’ve since turned that blog into a static website.
Thanks for your comment Ravi. Best wishes my friend
Dennis Marshall recently posted..13 Powerful Free Plugins that Every WordPress Blog Should Have
Twitter: esther98
Well, good on you for actually showing us all that you did wrong. I didn’t do much keyword research when I started blogging. However, at the start, I didn’t even know you could make money from blogging and didn’t try to make any. I always wrote with my readers in mind.

I think my problem was and has always been, not enough knowledge in the technical side of things.
Hopefully, one day I can employ writers. At the moment, I’m not making anything much and can’t even pay myself, much less someone else
Anne Lyken-Garner recently posted..Budget Christmas Decorating Tips For Your Home
Twitter: iblog4dollars
You’d be surprised.. You can hire someone for a few bucks an hour… There’s a catch to it tho..You’ll really have to work to find someone that’s dependable.
Best of luck Anne and thanks for commenting
Dennis Marshall recently posted..13 Powerful Free Plugins that Every WordPress Blog Should Have
Twitter: kezanari
Tip number five is the one for me and it is so true. Once people trust you that will buy from you so build trust first.Thanks
kezanari recently posted..8 Awesome Ways To Use Linkedin To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
i have hired two assistants for my keyword research work. And my blog sell five products for my work. But one day, one of my assistants changed blog categories, now the blog is killed, nothing can be found in search engine.
maksims recently posted..Best 2011 Christmas Flash Gift For Playing And Editing SWF On Mac
No.1 point really hits the target for me. It’s so hard to force yourself to keep writing on something you’re not interested much. I started quite a few blogs and I ended up staying true to those that I’m really a fan of.
Gil recently posted..Weeklong Promo with Email-Hog! It’s a Market here this Monday!
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Yea that’s something another pro blogger said. Create a few blog and stay with what you love. He describes it as throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks.
Great comment Gil. Thanks
Dennis Marshall recently posted..6 Super Secret Tips That Command Readers To Open Your Blog Posts (+ free gift)
#1 is so true. You can waste a lot of time trying to fake it with PLR, when you’d be better off writing about something you know and love in your own voice and drawing from your own experience.
Regarding #8 – I’m shy about networking. I was going to take part in that competition on famousbloggers about affiliate marketing, but chickened out at the last minute. I had the article written but then I thought, I’ve no followers, no list, how am I going to get people to tweet and like the article – I should have just gone ahead and entered anyway and trusted on the quality of the article to get me through. Oh well – perhaps next time!
Rose recently posted..Wizzley Writing Challenge Diary
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Come on Rose.. The thing about being in this business is not knowing everything. You just ahve to know a little more than everyone else. People see my site and think I’m a website building genius. I dont tell them exactly how easy wordpress is. I just let them think I’m a pro. Everytime a convo comes up about web design, who do you think they talk to? LOL
Dont be scared to let put your work out. Worse case scenario; you dont get any comments. Who cares.. Keep going..
I would also use this story to write an excellent blog post if I were you. Let other bloggers know what was getting to you..
Thanks for your comment Rose and best of luck in the future..

Dennis Marshall recently posted..What The Heck Is Blogging And How Can It Benefit Me? (I’m asking you this
Twitter: kaiser081391
You’re definitely right! That are some of the most common mistakes people do. Especially the no keyword research. You have to check and see what keyword you want to rank well so that you can focus on boosting it.
I like it. Better to learn from others mistakes than your own, although both are beneficial.
Above Ground Pools recently posted..Free Song!
When I was reading your article I suddenly realized that I’ve made some of these stupid mistakes, especially nr. 3 – too many different pages. I must really think about that. Thanks for your advice.
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Glad I could help.. Yea you’ll spread yourself thin if you have too much going on.
Thanks for the comment Rainer
Dennis Marshall recently posted..12 Exclusive Proven Tips For Creating An eBook, Branding Yourself & Making Money (Part 1)
Twitter: TopInterview
I can totally relate to making these mistakes. I think it is related to the fact that there is sooo much information that must be learned in order to have a successful online business that people jump from one thing to the next without taking consideration that everything needs much attention to work. Starting blogs and websites really should be taken one step at a time.
Mark recently posted..Comment on Good Interview Questions by Mastering the top interview questions is not hard! | topinterviewquestions101
Hmm nice post,
The way you describe it, really very attractive. we all did these mistakes during blogging. But after read this post, i learned much more from it. You really did a great job. In start i didn’t write my posts with the reader in mind. But with the passage of time, i improved myself and this mistake has finished now.
Bill Smith recently posted..How Social Media can help in growing the Business?
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Great point Bill and thanks for the complement. Yea we all grow with our blogging. It’s a great feeling being able to look back and reflect on how far you’ve come..
Thanks for the comment Bill.. Best wishes
Dennis Marshall recently posted..My Top 5 Places To Blog & Work With My Laptop (This Is The Life)
I am really impressed by your perception. I think every blogger do these mistakes in start like i did when i start blogging but by the time i realized these things and my seniors guide me to the right. All the points you discuss are the major problems which is causing trouble for beginners.
Wayne Evans recently posted..How Social Media can help in growing the Business?
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Thanks for the complement Wayne.. yea if these problems aren’t fixed, there will be trouble…
Dennis Marshall recently posted..6 Super Secret Tips That Command Readers To Open Your Blog Posts (+ free gift)
Twitter: nadiadrm
The blogging mistakes maybe really kill your success,sometimes.
Nadia recently posted..Top 5 Classic Christmas movie gifts for Kids
Twitter: remacgregor
Really refreshing to see someone admit these mistakes so openly. These will be helpful to those wondering why things just aren’t working out the way they want it to or just starting out and looking to learn from some one else’s mistakes.
You definitely have to write about stuff you are passionate about if your aim is to create a long lasting business for yourself.
Great work!
Rachael Macgregor
Rachael Macgregor recently posted..My 60 Min Per Day MLM Blogging Strategy
Twitter: aradeamarkatin
I often do the point 3 and 4. I never research the keyword and running too many website in the same time,that’s made me tired. thanks for your suggestion dennis..
obat alami miom recently posted..Obat alami hepatitis b
I have many blogs were killed, but I do not know why, now, I know, the mistake I made was 3. Was trying to run too many websites. Thank you!
magichhy recently posted..Why people want to burn their videos to DVD?
Twitter: syerodriguez
I can relate to you Dennis. I’ve made most of the same mistakes you’ve made and I still need to break out of doing all of the work myself.
I also have more than 10 blogs. I’ve been thinking about losing some of those as well. I tried Odesk once and let it go, but I think I need to reconsider that option.
I especially like what you say about following your passion. I think I’m barely beginning to get that part.
This was a good post. Thanks for sharing it.
Sye Rodriguez recently posted..First Day On Omni Swing
Twitter: wsiabelpardo
Very interesnting post, Dennis. I really think one of the worst enemies is that too many people write not for the reader, but for themselves. For doing that, they just need to wirte in word, not in a blog.
Regards from Europe!
Abel Pardo recently posted..WSI ICs Social Media Champions League 10th Round
Twitter: iblog4dollars
Great pint Abel. This is why most of my posts are over a 1000 words. I could easily create a post that is 600 words but it will be lacking the meat it needs to be a great post for the reader..
Thanks for the comment..
Dennis Marshall recently posted..How To Become A Pro Blogger And Not Just A Person That Writes Stuff
Thank you dennis for sharing your Blogging failures. i think topic choice is key, make a wrong choice and you are destined to fail.
Twitter: technicallyeasy
I have made many of the mistakes, and at times, continue to do so. I tried to run multiple sites/blogs, but eventually became overwhelmed that my sites began to suffer. Now I just focus on one blog and try to do the best I can with making it work.
Paul Salmon recently posted..Differences Between LCD, Plasma and LED Televisions
Thank you for sharing this, Dennis! I make a couple of mistakes that you have mentioned. Most importantly, I am currently trying to manage 10 blogs when I have the bandwidth for only 2-3 blogs. I am unable to focus on link building for all the blogs and getting new content is also a concern.
Cheolsu recently posted..Myspace Login with Facebook
Twitter: iblognet
Great write up… Reading this list is a great reminder for all of us because not only do we see these mistakes every day, but we have all probably made most of them as we learned and developed our skills over time!
Sahil recently posted..4 Tips to Create Balanced Work Life While Blogging
Twitter: Laptopprices_
Most of the novice bloggers, including me do things over and get no results at all.
and I think to stop now..
Kumar Patel recently posted..Dell Laptop Price List in India, US, UK – Dell Notebook
Twitter: easyrecipesmenu
Hey Dennis, your mistakes are definitely alike to mine :p. But yes, I started rectifying my mistakes late and now Im fully focusing on social marketing and keyword research
Twitter: ShreeCy
Everybody makes mistakes but to learn from these mistakes is necessary. Thanks for pointing them out for us. It will be of great help for the new bloggers and they can avoid doing these mistakes.
Bedashree recently posted..Is your site trustworthy in Google’s eyes?
Twitter: TrueCleanJax
Love the honesty. I too just recently started my blog. I’m not trying to make money as I do carpet cleaning full time. However, I do want to create traffic and the only way to do that is with quality content I am finding out. Looks like you did too.
Jerry recently posted..Carpet Cleaning Methods
Twitter: techwork_dk
Hi Dennis
Normally I would never follow a Twitter name like that, but I will take my changes with you after reading this great guest post. It seems that you are more than just about the money and that is important. So is Social Networking as you pointed out in this post. When I started blogging about a year ago I had no idea that I was going to be using Social media. I just wanted to run my blog, but I got smarter. I really learned a lot from other bloggers and that is why I still are connecting with them on Social Networks and still learning from their mistakes every day. I am always looking for more talented bloggers that I can engage with, because I still have so much to learn about being a blogger and because the Internet changes so fast these days.
Mistake number 6 and your Twitter name @iBlog4Dollars might kind of go hand in hand
Thomas recently posted..How to check and improve Loading Times on your Blog
Great article. Thanks for sharing. I can relate to number 1 and 4. If you’re not passionate about your niche, it is quite challenging to create an entire site around it. I tried that once and threw in the towel shortly after. And keyword research is crucial, especially now that the Web has become saturated with competition.
Matt recently posted..How to Earn $10 Online Fast Using CashCrate
Twitter: havefunforever
I think that I am safe. I never concentrate on Making Money and blog about what I love. I write for the readers and not Search engines. The only mistake I made is not caring about Keywords. Looks like I would have to work on them!
Yousuf Khan recently posted..[Must Read] Google’s Logo Not Available [Silly Mistake]
Twitter: PhilippaWrites
This is great advice – I’m sure most of us have fallen for at least one of them before, some of us several at once!
Philippa recently posted..How to Find People to Follow on Twitter (Video)
Twitter: BrianHumek
I’ve started to only focus on two blogs myself. The biggest job I see is getting people to find my blogs. I appreciate your advice. I just checked out your blog and may send you a guest post with a post similar to what I do at http://blog.beethomas.com. Definitely will be checking out your ebook writing posts next time I visit. I’ve bookmarked your site Dennis .
Brian recently posted..People Are Nice
Twitter: HotBlogTips
Hi Dennis, I’ve made several of those mistakes myself, a lot of us have. I think much of it comes from the excitement of everything. It’s just FUN to have all these sites and everything going on at once; at least until we realize our income isn’t reflecting the work we’re putting in and our peers are leaving us in the dust while they stay focused and push forward. It sucks starting over but it’s a lot better than never seeing the mistakes in the first place. Nice post.

Brian D. Hawkins recently posted..Three Underused Blog Comment Generating Techniques
Twitter: worldgolfe
Hi Dennis, Great post. I probably made all of these mistakes and more. Now I am trying to figure out how to fix it.
I even started with a subject I was passionate about, but found that I lost my passion when the money didn’t roll in.
If you are doing it for the money, then you might as well stop right now!
Thanks for the insight.
David recently posted..Generating Traffic Through Social Networking – Part 3
You’ve laid out the common mistakes but gladly I haven’t been drawn with this mistakes. I always do research and read blogs, and I’m not overwhelmed with the idea of making money online. I guess, you would be missing a lot if you would commit the last mistake. Networking is important except for the main factor of keywords and content. Interaction with everybody on the web will help a lot not only in terms of your blog but also a way to make your presence online.
Twitter: nirmalche
thanks for the Good points. I believe concentrating on a single niche can be helpful. Starting off after understanding about seo will be much better. Well money will start flowing once we are focused on quality.
Nirmal Kumar recently posted..Apple iPhone 4s: Features, Price in India, Shops in TN and Chennai
Twitter: rt8ca
Some excellent points here for us newbies!
What’s your feelings about getting those ‘backlinks’?
Should one be investing in backlink programs or just focus on writing good content?
Robert recently posted..Atlantis Submarines – Family Adventure
Twitter: RachaelSlorach
Hi Dennis,
I can’t believe you had 7 blogs! I am flat out trying to make one work well! ha!
This was a really great list, it made me think alot about how I can improve my business operations. For me, I am really trying to write for a more focused target audience now. Cheers!
Rachael Slorach recently posted..What is my Favourite Social Media Strategy to Promote My Green Business?
The networking part is the weakest of my abilities and yet it is the strongest. With a good network, it is easier for you to promote your blog and attract readers through other bloggers recommendation.
Wan recently posted..Grow taller secrets – Human Growth Hormone
Twitter: jonpaulwade
Is 7 really too many? I used to rely on 1, but when that took a downturn that still seems out of my control, diversification seemed like the logical course of action. Now I am trying to make all my blogs count for something. Although that is an uphill struggle.
Jon Wade recently posted..25 Ways to Promote Your Business with Traditional Media
Twitter: Make_Money_IM
Hi Dennis.
Very nice post,
I can certainly relate to most of your mistakes, and I’m sure the majority of us can be accused of these in some stage of their online career.
I would also add tracking your efforts as a key element. being able to know what works and what not is fundamental in marketing.
Twitter: elieen20090104yahoo.com
Yes, I have also made two mistakes with my blog.
The first time, I exchange the tags from the right to the below, and all keywords lost. And about 1 month, the lost keywords come back. And the second time, I delete some tags, and then as the first time, all keywords lost, the visitors per day was 1 to 2. I was so amazing. But about 3 weeks everything goes well. And now there are 300 visitors per day.
Eileen Spears recently posted..How to play video on Nook Tablet?
This is a great post and really interesting too. I started out with one blog – thought it was going well so started two more. Needless to say I’m back focusing on the first blog and plan on doing this for the foreseeable future. There’s no point in taking on more than you can handle unless you want to fall flat on your face. Thanks for the read!

Laura recently posted..The Top 10 Most Dangerous Mountain Peaks
Twitter: RelationshipCir
I’ve made many of your mistakes. I’ve been in the boat of too many websites, and some of them were blogs I weren’t passionate about but that I thought could make some money from. Turns out you can’t make money when you can barely put any attention towards a blog.
But the thing is it is nice to have different blogs in different niches – that way if one blog suffers some sort of downfall you have backup blogs to fall on.

Bellaisa recently posted..How to Save Your Marriage
Twitter: blognames
I made Lot of mistakes, When I was Newbie In Blogging world and Still learning. My mistakes was, bad linking, Forum linking, Huge directory submission and many others. Now with the time, i learn a Lot. Keep reading Good Blogs.
suraj recently posted..Top Blog Name Generators