Settling in some new RAM and API code

This server is getting busier and busier every week. It’s got so busy that I’ve had to move the most popular themes offsite to Amazon S3 and put in another 2 GB of RAM on the server. I haven’t been able to much else lately because right after the major PC crash that happened, it [...]


Mid Feb Update

Welcome to the new look updates for coming to you via the newly integrated FeedBlitz service. Hopefully, this way of providing updates means I don’t have to take time away from important offline duties to make and send a newsletter. New look From now on I wont be typing out a newsletter every two [...]


Minor update to the affiliate stats and 2 got paid

There were a couple of columns missing in some of the affiliate report pages, they have been added now. All the data was still being collected, it just didn’t have anywhere to display. Two more affiliates have received a credit to their account for introducing the most new members or generating the most unique clicks [...]


Anti Splog now active

Beware the sploggers and fillers of blogs with crapola! I have just installed the brand new anti splog plugin from Now, if a new blog is made and it’s made by someone who has made confirmed splogs before or other dark criteria, it’ll get spammed and the only way for it to be despammed [...]


Saving the server with premium plugins

Since I started this whole commentluv thing, the site has processed millions of comments, signed up thousands of new users and used terrabytes of bandwidth. The site is getting busy! and it wouldn’t be able to do any of this without the aid of some pretty fancy plugins provided by Here’s a few I [...]


The Credits System

The credits system was introduced to take care of administrating and controlling of the premium add ons and features that can be put on ComLuv blogs. The plugin is provided by the guys at Premium WPMU (you can download it here) and it’s been modified to integrate with the affiliate plugin (download that here) so [...]