The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

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Genesis Framework for WordPress

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. Giving Pets as Gifts: 5 Things to Consider

February 22, 2012

Giving Pets as Gifts – Is it a Good Idea? “Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.” -George Eliot Adorable puppies and cuddly kittens are frequent gifts in movies. These pets are always met with squeals of delight and the gift plan never backfires. In real life, however, [...]

. Six Things You Can Do Right Now To Get Noticed Online

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There are billions of web pages served every day to visitors all over the world but the truth is most people won’t find ever find you online even if you have a life changing product. Let’s face it, unless you are already a huge company with millions to spend on advertising or you are famous [...]

. The #1 Way To Turn Your Great Idea Into A Reality

March 28, 2011

As an entrepreneur you have got this fantastic idea for a website on a subject that you’re passionate about don’t you? You know how you want it to look and you know what you want it to do but there’s just one little problem. You don’t know css from php. You’re not a website designer [...]

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