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It’s here, come and get it
Article by Andy Bailey
I am the creator of CommentLuv and site owner and administrator of
Andy Bailey has written
271 articles for
I normally write at
Twitter: @commentluv
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Filed Under: Newsletter Tagged With: 2.9, commentluv, launch, release
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Jenny recently posted..Blog Guidebook Giveaways
Twitter: commentluv
Andy Bailey recently posted..Your Affiliate Business Could Be Your 1-000-000 Retirement Plan
Twitter: gadgetfood
I love it! Been waiting on this! Thanks for the notification!
Thanks for the download link by email. Will add it to my new blog.
cheolsu recently posted..Tiscali login
Twitter: commentluv
great! happy comments!
Andy Bailey recently posted..How I got 100 comments in 1 day
Thanks – what’s new about this version?
Tim from Bangkok Sightseeing recently posted..Vertical Gardens in Bangkok
Twitter: commentluv
go and see the video! it’s all in there
Twitter: tibstudio
Thank you for your great Plugin. It works fine and shows very good.
Timm recently posted..Buchkritik- ‘Wo kein Zeuge ist’ von Elisabeth George
Twitter: commentluv
thanks for the feedback Timm
Andy Bailey recently posted..Let me tell you a story
Twitter: DarrenSproat
Don’t mind if I do!

Great job, Andy, and looking forward to working with you more in the future.
Darren Sproat recently posted..Another Parental Lesson Learned
Twitter: commentluv
me too Darren, thanks!
Twitter: NewEraDebt
Awesome, going to head over and download it. Watched the first 2 videos, haven’t seen the 3rd, I will go check out what I missed. Thanks for all you do Andy.
Dan Smith recently posted..Does Debt Settlement Hurt Your Credit Score
Twitter: commentluv
hey Dan, hope you enjoy the last video!
Twitter: esther98
Meh… I bit confused on Blogger…
Anne Lyken-Garner recently posted..Dash Diet For High Blood Pressure
Twitter: commentluv
sorry!, it only works on wordpress blogs
Andy Bailey recently posted..How I got 100 comments in 1 day
Will this version be available via normal WordPress repository? I like things simple when it comes to updates/ upgrades
Jason Mitchev recently posted..Virginia Beach Dentist Choices Guide
Twitter: commentluv
it’ll be released there soon
Poor me.., why your plugins doesn’t work on blogger platform ? Actually I had registered my blog at comluv. Never mind, I’ll try later on WP.
I haven’t tried the new version on sites I maintain yet, but I have commented on a few sites recently that do. For some reason it doesn’t seem to find any feeds associated with my site or account. Maybe it’s related to the new version or my feed, or maybe I just have bad luck. I will try to play around with it more when I get a chance and see.
Ray recently posted..Dolphin 7 Cache Tweaks
Twitter: JimConnolly
Hi Andy.
This seems like as good a time as any, to thank you for what you do for the blogging community.
The idea behind commentluv is all about sharing, discovery and contribution. Says a lot about you.
Just upgraded commentluv and looking forward to seeing it in action.
Jim Connolly recently posted..How to avoid making bad decisions
Hi Andy,
I am LUVVING CommentLuv 2.9!
Getting it up and running on all my blogs and spreading the word far and wide!
I even wrote a little story about you and your magical potion…
You can read it here: Once Upon a Time
deerwatson recently posted..Once Upon a Time…
Twitter: pthingsphoto

Gen recently posted..Chicago Child Photographer – Mr A is growing up
Hello !
Excuse my bad speaking, I’m french…
It was allright and suddenly here is the answer I get every time Iwant to post a comment.
XML error: Reserved XML Name at line 192, column 47
May be my link is banned but I realy don’t know how to unban it.
I know there is an aticle about this subjet but I dont see “members ” in the header
What to do ?
Twitter: commentluv
please update to the latest version of commentluv, it fixes that problem