
Start your own ComLuv blog for more features.

The guys at JSKIT have launched a major update to their commenting system, it’s now called “Echo” and it looks sooo much better!

Head honcho of community and product strategy Chris Saad (site) sent me an email a few days before launch offering to let me have a first peek at the system so i can [...]

This is a premium theme that is available for supporters.
It has a massive amount of customization options and is perfect for a magazine type blog.
You can only see this in the themes section if you’re a paid supporter. A video will accompany this theme to show you how to customize the header, layout and [...]

I’m in the process of upgrading the site to use 256 databases rather that one big fat one.
Please let me know if you’re experiencing any problems using your site

ComLuv blogs updated to WP 2.8.2

Posted by Andy Bailey on August 1st, 2009 1 Comment Topics: News, Site Updates  

The site is now running on the very latest version of WordpressMu 2.8.2
If you experience any problems using your dashboard, please submit a support ticket.

There will be a minor interruption to service on Saturday or Sunday morning while I upgrade the site to 2.8.2 and move the massive single database into 256 smaller ones.
This will make the site more secure and a little bit easier to maintain via phpmyadmin but there can be no database writes made during the [...]

I have added a rotating set of 5 text links on the footer of every (non-supporter) blog on the network. This is to add a bit of revenue to the site which is consuming bandwidth like Britney Spears in a cake shop during fire drill!
As an extra, I’ve added a new widget that you can [...]

After a long delay, the newsletter is ready to go out again. I have left it until there are some solid changes to the site before sending it out because I don’t want to fill your inbox with trivial pap like many other “free” membership sites do.
I’ll make sure there are no more than 2 [...]

I have put a new support ticket system in place on the main page under Support, hopefully this will work a lot better than the support plugin that puts tickets in the dashboard and it’ll help me to build a knowledge base from tickets that are submitted. Feel free to use it to submit requests [...]

I have spent the past 2 weeks coding the new url registration and theme and it’s being tested out now. If it all works, fine! if not, I’ll have to take it down and fiddle with it some more.
At the moment there is only 1 site url able to be registered per account but I [...]

Things may seem a little quiet here lately but it’s only because I’m behind the scenes doing some major updates because, you see, I’ve been listening to what people have been asking for and I have stayed in my man-cave tapping on my keys every day for the past week, there’s probably another week of [...]

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