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CommentLuv goes out to the wild with version 2.7.1

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I am the creator of CommentLuv and site owner and administrator of

Andy Bailey has written 229 articles for
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I updated the WordPress plugin repository today with the new version of CommentLuv 2.7 .
No sooner out than some users reported seeing a syntax error, this was due to them having a version of php less than v5 on their hosting.

I have updated the repository with CommentLuv 2.7.1 which should fix any issues people were having..

You can see the Repository page here



  1. Randy C says:

    The good news is this plugin finally works on my blog. The bad news is it can’t any blog posts for me when I comment on other blogs, such as this. My comments worked up until the new version.

  2. nice plugin, thanks…..

  3. Andy Bailey

    Randy: I just tried a comment using your url and it returned 10 posts for me, maybe you need to give it a few more seconds to find the feed.

  4. glowstars says:

    Commentluv is finally working when I’m at work! Woohoo! At least on those blogs that have bothered to update the plugin.
    Love that commenters’ latest posts are now showing up on the dashboard – but am getting funny code before it . Not sure if that’s only happening with comments made whilst I was running the old version though as I’ve not had one since I updated.
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  5. Andy Bailey

    great to know it’s working for you at work!

    the little bit of code is hidden on display time, it’s used for updating comluv when a link gets clicked, info looked at or comment spammed. the only other way to do it is create another table in the database which would prevent systems like ID , Disqus and JS-kit from being supported on the wordpress version.

    this is still the first version of the new source code so it might need some changes in the future when more and more people put it through it’s paces

    thanks for the feedback!

  6. Jonas says:

    Nice plugin, thanks… but I have some problems… you can test a comment att

    [rq=2554,0,blog][/rq]Da Shit är mer än gröt!

  7. Andy Bailey

    please submit all problems through the support ticket system. it helps me keep track of who is experiencing what. in your case, it looks as though the comment_text filter is not applying to your comments.

    if you submit a support ticket I will give you my email address so you can send me your comments.php file for me to look at (or get it from the comment I made on your site)

  8. Randy C says:

    Thanks for the response, Andy. I found the problem after my comment here. I had to change my feedburner URI in WordPress. Not sure why I had to do that but it worked.
    [rq=2674,3,blog][/rq]Samal Island

  9. webtalk says:

    the plugin sometimes doesnt show up comments. it seems to delete them and they just disappear. Additionally, when somebody place a comment, on my left widget i get something like this: and the posts link…apparently the code means ” yourblog’s last post..” other people seems to have the same issue…look here:

    I had to downgrade to the previous version.
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  10. macbros says:

    Couldn’t find a place to post a comment about the plug-in. But you should make it so that the plugin code doesn’t show in the recent comment area on the sidebar of the blogs.

    If you see on my site, the recent comments show code like [..] in them.

    Just a suggestion.
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  11. Andy Bailey

    webtalk : ok. this plugin does nothing more than add some text to the comment, it does nothing to delete or approve comments. your comments could be being put in in unapproved because they contain a html link. Check your discussion settings in your dashboard

    the code you’re seeing is put there to identify the link for when you delete a comment or the link get’s clicked. the code gets hidden on display time.

    This is the first version of the new code so if enough people don’t understand the extra code then I’ll have to work out a way to do it without.

  12. Andy Bailey

    macbros: I have put a function in that removes the code when comment_excerpt is used which should work for plugins that use that to display a bit from the comment. problem is when a plugin grabs the whole text of the comment and chops it off before the end of the last /rq]

    I’ll have to see what I can do about the code being shown. maybe hide it away in a custom field or other place.

  13. webtalk says:

    thanks Andy Bailey for your prompt reply. I have found out what happened to the comments. They were put in the spam folder because I kept experimenting too much and akismet thought they were spam. As far as the code is concerned, well, it is there….is there any way to remove or hide it? yes, it doesnt make any sense to me and to the average readers as well. The average reader just read it and think…what is it???
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  14. webtalk says:

    By the way, in my blog, if i click on the heart next the the last comment, the comment luv section appears all the way to the right and notright under the heart..why is that?
    [rq=3359,0,blog][/rq]How to fix errors and problems in Microsoft Office 2007

  15. Andy Bailey

    the code gets hidden from view when viewing the comments on the blog, admins are able to see them in the dashboard

    in the future, please submit a support ticket if you’re experiencing a problem. the comments are not meant for support because so many comments on so many posts means it takes a long time to find a comment I am working with. if you submit a suppor ticket then it’ll always be in the same place and I can respond to you directly from it.

  16. jsinkeywest

    Andy :0 ) Excellent work once again. I will speak for myself that PEople ME should help out more this time. To be honest seems like I was only thinking of Andy Bailey when sh*t was down :(
    But you have always been a gentleman and I want to do more to promote you and comment luv :)
    Now I’m trying to add the twitid line of code to me comments and can’t seem to get it in the old box ? what says YOU Mr Bailey :)
    PS my update was one click done.
    Thanks let me know what’s up your always welcome to stop by and leave a do follow comment and keyword luv comment :)
    Thanks Stumbled
    [rq=3706,0,blog][/rq]I wonder if Hillary would of been better ?

  17. Andy Bailey

    there are characters on the comments because I just updated to a new version of commentluv. I need to get the new version out now so there aren’t thousands of comments with them on.

    I’ll do another update in a day or so that will remove the offending bits from all existing comments.

    thanks for your (continued) patience!
    .-= Andy Bailey´s last blog ..Emergency coding night ahead! =-.

  18. webtalk says:

    Now the support section works again but if i try to submit a ticket the system sends me to the main dashboard! try yourself (sorry again and..delete this post! :)
    .-= webtalk´s last blog ..How to fix errors and problems in Microsoft Office 2007 =-.

  19. Ana

    This comment luv version(2.7.1) works out perfect on my site, whereas the new update version 2.7.3 doesn’t. The only thing that was visible was the commentluv code on the actual blog page, where people left comments, so I disabled the plugin for now. Is there anyway I can download just the version 2.7.1?

  20. Ana

    The example of code shown on my site is :


    This is simply all I get now with the new plugin version 2.7.3. Interestingly it is still visible when the plugin is deactivated.
    .-= Ana´s last blog ..Doodles of Vision =-.

  21. vikas2607 says:

    Thanks it sort out my problem :)
    .-= vikas2607´s last blog ..2 bedroom Apartment / Flat for Sale in Govindpuram, Ghaziabad (4072772) =-.

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