Breakdown central!

I’ve been having a nightmare at home! My desktop pc crashed the big crash and I was only just able to recover my files, I thought I fixed the problem but the pc continues to freeze. It’s done it through XP, Vista and 7 so it’s defintely hardware. I think it might be my RAM [...]


Affiliates upgrade across the whole site

I’ve added some serious modifications to the ComLuv site operations this weekend…. New affiliate code Your affiliate referral code is still the same but it is now a lot more powerful! You can now refer new members to ComLuv and when they sign up, they’ll be assigned as your member. You’ll be able to see [...]


Intense Debate CommentLuv is Here!

I’ve managed to scrape a few spare moments in front of the pc to complete the beta version of Intense Debate CommentLuv. It didn’t take any particularly difficult code to produce because those nice folks at Automattic coded the ID plugin to use filters and actions just like WordPress does so ‘hooking’ in the code [...]


UKFast Interview with me about The ComLuv Network and CommentLuv plugin

Here’s a video UKFast made when they invited me down to their Manchester offices for a chat about CommentLuv and how it’s taking advantage of the blistering speeds and awesome tech support on their managed dedicated server package. I used to work in Manchester so I had a trip down memory lane when I went [...]

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Twitterlink updated with German translation

A big thanks to Martin Waiss who sent me the German language file for TwitterLink-Comments. You can read all about it (in German) here

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WP upgraded to

I’ve just done a full backup of the root folder and 256 databases before doing the WordPressMu upgrade to Everything seemed to go quite smoothly, I had to update the multidb file db.php in wp-content to 2.8.5 due to the new way WordPress upgrades the database but apart from that it was simple. This [...]


Some updates on the way

I have recently backed up the whole database and server files to a local development machine so I can try out some new code for the things to come to this site. URL registration process. Now : updated so it doesn’t throw weird errors if a user already has another account Future: A new page [...]