Update across the board for Blogger CommentLuv

I have modified the code slightly for Blogger CommentLuv on JSKIT echo system. [bug fix] .. Some users seeing “recent undefined” being appended to their comment. Fixed [improvement] .. The info panel was sometimes obscured by a sidebar whose Z-index was higher than the comments column. Added code to append the panel to the document [...]


CommentLuv URL registration updated

I have spent the past couple of weeks using my spare couple of hours a day to rewrite the url registration page code. Now, it has the foundation set to put in the extra features like more than one url per account and more than just blog posts to be returned and seems to be [...]


How to show the user id’s of each user in the WPMU user list admin page

Use this code in the address bar to view the user_id of each user in your wpmu user list javascript:var user_id = jQuery(‘span.edit a’).each(function(){ var sHref = jQuery(this).attr(‘href’); var sStart = sHref.indexOf(‘=’); var sEnd = sHref.indexOf(‘&’); jQuery(this).parents(‘div.row-actions’).before(sHref.slice(sStart +1,sEnd));}); It’ll look like this


JSKIT goes to Echo and so does CommentLuv

The guys at JSKIT have launched a major update to their commenting system, it’s now called “Echo” and it looks sooo much better! Head honcho of community and product strategy Chris Saad (site) sent me an email a few days before launch offering to let me have a first peek at the system so i [...]


New premium CMS theme added – Dixie

This is a premium theme that is available for supporters. It has a massive amount of customization options and is perfect for a magazine type blog. You can only see this in the themes section if you’re a paid supporter. A video will accompany this theme to show you how to customize the header, layout [...]


Going through some things with Multi-db

I’m in the process of upgrading the site to use 256 databases rather that one big fat one. Please let me know if you’re experiencing any problems using your site


ComLuv blogs updated to WP 2.8.2

The site is now running on the very latest version of WordPressMu 2.8.2 If you experience any problems using your dashboard, please submit a support ticket.

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