
Start your own ComLuv blog for more features.

The latest update to commentluv is ready. It seems for each major update 1.9 -> 2.0 and 2.5 -> 2.7 there were some quick updates for the first 2 days. This happens because so many people use the plugin in so many different blog themes and settings types that it’s inevitable that there will be [...]

Since the release of the plugin, around 3500 people have downloaded it from the codex. With that many people using it, I knew there was going to be a slew of people pointing out any errors or bugs that they experience.
I tried my best to prevent any problems by testing it on wp2.7 wpmu [...]

I get asked a lot about what other platforms support CommentLuv, I mean, I get asked a LOT!
It’s quite a challenge staying on top of the new commenting systems that appear and trying to keep the versions up to date but, with the introduction of the new API there shouldn’t be a platform out there [...]

I just added the Google Analytics plugin to the site so individual blogs can enter their GA number in the settings page (log in to your dashboard, click settings/google analytics) and whatever theme they’re using will have the Google analytics code added to the footer.

New commentluv will be compatible with version 2.65 and upwards. I’ve added a check for the WP version and include the hoverIntent.js library if the user isn’t on version 2.7 . If the version of wordpress is less than 2.6.5 then the plugin will notify them and not activate.
global $wp_version;
if (version_compare($wp_version,”2.7″,”<”)){
wp_enqueue_script(’hoverIntent’,'/’.PLUGINDIR.’/’.dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__)).’/js/hoverIntent.js’,array(’jquery’));
} else {

Server emails fix

Posted by Andy Bailey on June 6th, 2009 0 Comments Topics: Site Updates   Tags: ,

Made some small adjustments to the server so that emails from the system about confirmation links and username/password reminders don’t get sent to the spam bin on gmail. I’ve tested this out on a few different systems and they all receive the system emails straight to the inbox.
Just in time for a public opening!

Added a plugin to wpmu-plugins for hooking into the wpmu_new_user action to subscribe user to ComLuv updates newsletter. The user will automatically receive a confirmation request by ListLuv.
function cl_addsubscriber($user_id){
// get user email and name and ip
$user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
$useremail = $user_info->user_email;
$username = $user_info->user_login;
// send request to ListLuv api
Added additional message to signup last page to tell [...]

Made a few minor updates to the javascript and php today to prevent an error message from being posted and for empty url fields showing a blank last post message.

Before I can release the new version of CommentLuv, I should tell you about some changes that have been made;

No more <abbr><em> tags
The creators of Akismet contacted me about the tags causing some minor issues with their detection engine and the <abbr> tag wasn’t supported in some of the newer commenting systems available to Wordpress [...]

I have discovered some minor issues with some of the themes that are part of the initial install, nothing major but rather than wait for all the themes to be used and loved and then put down when problems appear, I will remove all the unused themes and re-up them one by one after testing [...]

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