What’s happening with ComLuv?

Database queries With the introduction of the new API, not to mention the thousands of uses it gets per day, there is a pretty large load on the server during peak times of the (US) day. Me and Ron are tracking down queries used in the API and will see if they can be refined [...]


How are you going to make money with your ComLuv blog?

Making Money Every site likes to make money, for some it’s a bonus and for others it’s their whole purpose of blogging. For ComLuv blogs, I want to make the whole daunting process of monetizing your blog into a simple and reliable process. This is why I have made, and will make more, widgets and [...]


Changed tag results page and some branding here and there

I’ve done some minor updates to the site today (at the cost of my normal Sunday routine) which make the whole place a little bit more “commentluv” and changed the way the tag results page displays. The login page now has the logo and the help page in the dashboard has a link to the [...]


New Plugin Added – Auto-close comments

In a bid to combat spam and trackback spam, I have installed a new plugin available to all blogs on The ComLuv Network. It’s called Auto-close and allows every blog owner to set the maximum period a post or page can receive comments. I used to get an awful lot of spam comments on posts [...]


Something for the weekend? Some improvements and additions to CommentLuv this week

It’s been a busy week keeping things in check with the site and plugin but, it looks like it’s going ok so far! Bug Fixes There have been a few minor issues that were reported like the info box not showing for everyone, that’s been sorted out. Joomla site owners were seeing the “no blog [...]


Clearer signup and CommentLuv blogger released

I’ve added some explanitory text to the signup page so new users don’t get confused and think they need a blog here just to have an account and I’ve added the CommentLuv Blogger download page with easy 1 click install method. Next update to Commentluv will have Italian and Chinese language support and maybe a [...]


Why I love your feedback.

I’ve stayed up a little late tonight again because some people were experiencing issues with the style of the links. Turns out it was because they had php4 on their hosting and that didn’t support the commands I was using to find the added link. Thanks to some good feedback and dedication by CommentLuv users, [...]


Version 2.74 is upon us! Fix old tags and info box display

The latest update to commentluv is ready. It seems for each major update 1.9 -> 2.0 and 2.5 -> 2.7 there were some quick updates for the first 2 days. This happens because so many people use the plugin in so many different blog themes and settings types that it’s inevitable that there will be [...]


Emergency coding night ahead!

Since the release of the plugin, around 3500 people have downloaded it from the codex. With that many people using it, I knew there was going to be a slew of people pointing out any errors or bugs that they experience. I tried my best to prevent any problems by testing it on wp2.7 wpmu [...]


CommentLuv goes out to the wild with version 2.7.1

I updated the WordPress plugin repository today with the new version of CommentLuv 2.7 . No sooner out than some users reported seeing a syntax error, this was due to them having a version of php less than v5 on their hosting. I have updated the repository with CommentLuv 2.7.1 which should fix any issues [...]

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