I’ve stayed up a little late tonight again because some people were experiencing issues with the style of the links. Turns out it was because they had php4 on their hosting and that didn’t support the commands I was using to find the added link.

Thanks to some good feedback and dedication by CommentLuv users, I was able to track down the problem and learn regular expression along the way! (only to find out I didn’t need it lol)

I’d like to say thanks to http://www.makeupandbeautyblog.com for sending me your theme and your entire plugins folder so I could try to replicate the problem. I couldn’t, but I did come up with a regex to fix it.

Also to http://jahangiri.us/news for your regular kicks up the butt to sort out problems that only you seem to find. It was your fault I found out that strrpos doesn’t work on php4 hosting.

And http://speedforce.org/ for being a validation freak and spotting all the invalid xhtml so you could send me line numbers and exact positions of required edits.

There are sure to be more things that require attention and I wont find out about them unless you tell me so feel free to use the support tickets or comment here on a post if you want to suggest something (better to use the support ticket) I do try to respond to every request but, I do get a lot of emails so don’t feel sad if I don’t respond straight away :)

Thanks for being CommentLuvvers!! Hopefully this version will stay for a while and I can concentrate on building the site and making things a little bit easier for new users to understand.

Version 2.7.5 of Wordpress CommentLuv is here