
After a long delay, the newsletter is ready to go out again. I have left it until there are some solid changes to the site before sending it out because I don’t want to fill your inbox with trivial pap like many other “free” membership sites do.

I’ll make sure there are no more than 2 newsletters going out per month and will add links and offers to the emails that only subscribers will receive (like the ad affiliate signup page below).

As long as you clicked your confirmation link when you first registered, you will receive these emails. If you didn’t receive the link, you can add your details below to subscribe.


Email Address

URL Registration

I’ve made some changes to the URL registration scripts so it should be even easier to add associate your URL with your account. There are literally hundreds of thousands of URLs stored in the ComLuv databse so it has taken some time to get the page working. It seems to behaving itself now but, seeing as there are so many URLs already imported from the old site combined with all the new URLs encountered since, it might have trouble with one or two sites so please use the support ticket page if you experience any issues.

Visit the URL registration page by clicking on the member tab in the toolbar.

Ads & Affiliates

I’ve also added some advertising to the main blog, you can purchase a PR5 page link on the left sidebar for just $15 USD per week and a 125×125 banner on the right sidebar for $20 USD per week (shown on all Comluv main blog pages).

You can even sign yourself up as an affiliate and earn 50% of the purchase price! Please see the newsletter for the ad affiliate signup link.