Wow! there have been so many registration emails going out from the ComLuv server that some smtp servers receiving the emails have grey-listed the address admin @ . Don’t worry, this happens when a server sends out lots of emails to places like gmail and yahoo.
A spam server wont respond to a temporary deferral but this server is provided by UKFast and they have just told me that things will go back to normal when the mail server here responds again to the temporary bounce message and sends out the email again.
It will take about 20 minutes for emails to get to you while this is going on, please be patient!
3 responses so far ↓
Yes, just today I got my confirmation email in my Spam Folder but after marking the message as Not Spam, I received the succeeding mail in my Inbox. By the way, I am using ymail by Yahoo!.
edzee´s last blog ..CommentLuv Wordpress
edzee: thanks for letting me know. I think I have fixed the issue of the email going in the spam bin now. let me know if you get any more problems
Oh Andy! This is why they say “Too much luv will kill ya” then
Congrats on the new CommentLuv Portal Hicham´s last blog ..Click and Run
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